conclusion of environmental impact of mining

Human health risk assessment of mercury vapor around artisanal small-scale gold mining area, Palu city, Central Sulawesi Indonesia. The number of articles reporting each type of study setting. Mining in the Arctic environmenta review from ecological, socioeconomic and legal perspectives. The effects of placer mining on the environment in central Alaska. Impact on mental health and wellbeing in Indigenous communities due to land loss resulting from industrial resource development: protocol for a systematic review. Examples of negative impacts include loss of jobs and local identities [24], while positive impacts may include opportunities for new economic activities [25], for example through repurposing of mines into tourist attractions. Resour Policy. Moiseenko TI, et al. submission of the Mining Plan, vide Letter No. Technology's impact on the environment is a real-world issue. data type), and the measured outcomes. No articles reported more than three stages together. Jain R, et al. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Commercial Arctic shipping through the Northeast Passage: routes, resources, governance, technology, and infrastructure. article publication year), then on the study systems (i.e. However, the mitigation of mine impacted environmental and social issues warrant a corrective action . Cumulative effects of human developments on arctic wildlife. 2011. Sami people are affected by a range of external pressures, one of which pertains to resource extraction and land rights, particularly in relation to nomadic reindeer herding. Article Knowledge gaps and clusters are highlighted by visually analysing cross tabulations and discussing candidate groups amongst the review team. We searched multiple bibliographic databases and organisational websites for relevant research using tested search strategies. A long exposure to this can cause black lung disease which could destroy your lungs. Following this consistency checking, the remaining articles were split between the two reviewers (AS and AJ) and allowed to proceed. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This stage was not subject to consistency checkingit was conducted as a preliminary stage to remove all clearly irrelevant records that could be obviously discerned as ineligible based on titles. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Environ Evid. But mining activities also have a positive impact on the environment and its host communities if sustainable and modern methods are adopted. Similarly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and staff personal circumstances, we did not have resources available to perform a search update prior to publication. The local impact of mining on poverty and inequality: evidence from the commodity boom in Peru. The majority of study designs compared impacted and control samples (396/585 articles, 68%), followed by correlative studies (142/585 articles, 24%), with very few BACI designs (before-after-control-impacts: 6/585 articles, 1%) and no experimental designs. Fleming DA, Measham TG. In this sense, the first decade of the 21st century in particular has seen a renewed debate about mining and its sustainability (Mudd, 2010) owing to public concern about the current degradation of the environment (Hilson and Murck, 2000). Note that some articles reported multiple outcomes. Sonter LJ, et al. The team consisted of Annika E Nilsson, Rasmus Klcker Larsen, Dag Avango, Steven Cooke, Sif Johansson, Pamela Lesser, Rebecca Lawrence, Kaisa Raito, Rebecca Rees, and Maria Teng. Eligible data type We included quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research. It is hoped that the conclusion of this study will enable Nigeria to put in place and enforce certain minimum environmental standards for solid mineral exploration and exploitation. We adapted an outcome coding schema designed within an ongoing environmental and social impact assessment synthesis project [50]. Pollution of water in the surrounding water bodies due to leaching from overburden dumps and due to the pollutants from the other activities. We included a further 47 articles from pre-screened resources (websites and review bibliographies). PLoS ONE. In terms of positive impacts, mining is typically a source of local employment and may contribute to economies locally and regionally [e.g. Bitcoin mining has received criticism for its energy consumption, but the reality is that . Fortunately, there is some hope that mining will become more sustainable in the future. The number of articles in the map according to the extraction stage. Only 7 articles investigated social and environmental outcomes together. James KL, et al. This is in contrast to many other topics that seem to be experiencing a near exponential increase in published articles; perhaps because of the long and consistent history of mining relative to other topics, such as fossil fuel extraction. If there will be a significant impact, mitigation measures are required by law in most countries to be implemented and monitored. Acid mine drainage at Cerro Rico de Potos I: unabated high-strength discharges reflect a five century legacy of mining. 2019;8(1):16. Haley S, et al. No team member was permitted to review their own work. Bibliographic databases Searches for relevant research evidence were conducted between 27 and 29th November 2018 using the 21 bibliographic databases shown in Table 2. Google Scholar. The current banking system seems even harder to measure than Bitcoin. 771. Copper may also enter the environment through natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions, windblown dusts, decaying vegetation, and forest . Figure4 displays a choropleth for the number of articles included in the map from across eligible countries. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory; 1982. 2. Part of There are no absolute ways for measuring electricity use in proof-of-work systems. 2. Santiago: Collaboration for Environmental Evidence; 2018. While some methods have less impact than others, it almost always has a serious and lasting environmental impact. For details of the search string adaptations used in each resource, see the searchRxiv search history records detailed in Table 2. Although this is to be expected, perhaps, given the systems studied, the causal inference of these designs is poor and could be strengthened with randomised control trial study designsparticularly for impact evaluations of mitigation measures which were completely lacking. Lists of all articles excluded on the basis of full-text assessment with the reasons for exclusion, and unobtainable articles are provided in Additional File 5. The Will to drill. community level social outcome measures) (n=68), followed by cancer rates/disease/mortality (n=57). Lindahl KB, et al. new technologies and alternative approaches that can help reduce their overall environmental footprint. We also thank Mistra EviEM for co-funding the first Advisory Group meeting and publication fees for the systematic map protocol. In conclusion, hosted mining has a significant environmental impact, with concerns ranging from energy consumption and carbon footprint to e-waste and water usage. Neal R. Haddaway. 2010. However, mining activities are said to be an integral part of societal development. Full descriptions of the mitigation measures encountered are provided in the map database (Additional File 8). In Zambia, impacts from mining results from both historical and ongoing mining operations, and the majority of them is located in the Copperbelt district. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Like all industries, mining has both benefits and risks for the people living in communities where minerals are found. Bergverksstatistik 2019 (Statistics of the Swedish Mining Industry 2019). First, there is a need for more r esearch to. Examples of potentially serious environmental impacts of A final 585 articles were included in the map, corresponding to 902 outcome lines. Decree 86 of 1992 introduced mandatory environmental impact assessments . the mines), the mitigation measures investigated, the study designs (e.g. Conclusion: studying the social and cultural impacts of extreme extraction in Northern Alberta. U&U-GHENT. Studies were spread across eligible regions, but a heavy bias in Canada was evident (317/902 data points; 35%). Mining always affects the environment, whilst remediation and mitigation efforts may effectively ameliorate some negative environmental impacts. Social-ecological-technological systems consequences of mining: an analytical framework for more holistic impact assessments. It is also interesting we found no research examining the EIA process itself, including its effectiveness, and no explicit examination of the proposed mitigation measures from EIAs. 9 Environmental Impacts of Cement Production. The results . environmental effects on the air, water and soils. Typically, these measures should be considered and described in environmental and social impact assessments (EIAs and SIAs) conducted before major activities, such as resource extraction, begin [26,27,28]. All interactive files and visualisations are provided through the dedicated project website; Extracting home in the oil sands. 2001;15(3):16376. On the one hand, the economy can not develop better without the basic and solid help of mining resources; but from the perspective of environment, the development of the mining industry has a great impact on the environment, geology and resources, so that the balance of the natural environment has been broken, and the . Saariniemi J. In the introduction, I mentioned that mining activities started over 100 years ago, especially small scale mining activities. Environmental Evidence This paper provides an exposition on the environmental impacts of mining activities in Ghana. The impact of mining operations on the surrounding land is also closely linked to the ecological setting of the mining sites. . Polar Geogr. Mining is the extraction of minerals and other geological materials of economic value from deposits on the Earth. The enormous Ok Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea is a perfect example of how nearby areas can be significantly impacted by the erosion of exposed slopes, mine dumps, tailings dams, and the resulting siltation of drainages, creeks, and rivers. Water pollution effect on population health in an industrial northern region. The least frequently reported outcome was hydrological flow or landscape change (n=16). Then, the effect of two improvers and a woody plant, Nerium oleander L., on the combined remediation of lead-zinc tailings was compared . Similarly, the context of the included articles studies was predominantly in situ (n=459), with a smaller number using ex situ methods (n=118) and very few employing mesocosms (n=8) (see Fig. Google Scholar. McCormack PA. This is a standard practice amongst systematic reviews and maps published in this journal, and generally considered necessary given the large volumes of evidence common to non-health fields. A resource for the comprehensive environmental effects of mining is The environmental impact of mining ( Types Of Mining That Can Have A Negative Environmental Effect. A methodology for systematic mapping in environmental sciences. 6,7,8. The politics of Arctic resources: Change and continuity in the Old North of Northern Europe. 1). Reviewers did not screen articles (at title and abstract or full-text) for which they were an author. Boston: Pitman; 1984. p. 13. Research was focused on copper (23%), gold (18%), and zinc (16%) extraction as the top three minerals, and open pit mines were most commonly studied (33%). and environmental systems in circumpolar Arctic and boreal regions. Terms and Conditions, Restructuring and risk-reduction in mining: employment implications for northern Sweden. 2019;6(4):108690. However, data type and comparator were not considered useful at title and abstract screening since this information is often not well-reported in these fields. AMD causes severe social and environmental impacts. For societies, health and wellbeing was most common (n=106), followed by economic (n=46), service and infrastructure (n=12), landscapes (n=8) and culture and history (n=6). Johnson CJ, et al. 2018;218:40215. We extracted data relating to causal linkages between actions or impacts and measured outcomes, along with descriptive information about the articles and studies. Sci Total Environ. ROSES RepOrting standards for Systematic evidence syntheses: pro forma, flow-diagram and descriptive summary of the plan and conduct of environmental systematic reviews and systematic maps. By using this website, you agree to our Yellow blocks indicate the stages were reported in the same article. The paper mainly focused on the mining activities in Prestea in the western region of the country. Based on our analysis of the evidence base, we also suggest the following topics where there appear to be evidence gaps that warrant further primary research: Studies on earlier stages of resource extraction prior to operationfrom prospecting to construction, Research on the effectiveness of mitigation measures (including how things function), Research employing quasi-experimental (e.g. Dudka S, Adriano DC. Cite this article. The negative impacts of mineral extraction on the environment also depend to a large extent on the type of mining exploitation , fundamentally distinguishing two types of mines: underground mines and open-pit mines. Such infrastructure, together with accompanying institutions, can indeed create new social-technological mega-systems [11,12,13]. World Dev. There is a clear need for more research, and more mitigation, to address these issues. We have produced an interactive database along with interactive visualisations, and identify knowledge gaps and clusters using heat maps. However, there is little published research on the topic [38]. New York: Springer; 2016. p. 189201. During scoping and development of the search string, the bibliographic database search results were checked to ascertain whether any of these studies were not found. Ice blink: navigating northern environmental history. Industrial mining projects can play an important role in global sustainable development if associated health risks are minimised and opportunities maximised. In: Martin B, Bocking S, editors. J Environ Qual. Finally, we have produced heat maps that visualise two coding factors (categorical variables) along with the volume of evidence found across combinations of levels of each factor. Many of these commodities are found in critical forest landscapes, placing forests at increased risk as demand for minerals increases. As of 2015, there were some 373 mineral mines across Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, The Faroes, Norway (including Svalbard), Sweden, Finland and Russia (see Table 1), with the top five minerals being gold, iron, copper, nickel and zinc [36]. Abandoned mine sites as a source of contamination by heavy metals: a case study in a semi-arid zone. Google Scholar. It is a decision making . This first Issue in the series contains nine articles written by leading British and American experts from the mining industry, regulatory authorities, and academia, and incorporates the latest research.Following an introductory overview of many of the issues of current concern to the field, the book deals with a wide variety of topics, ranging from the environmental impact of gold mining in . Water management and treatment. In many parts of the Arctic, these expectations have led to increasing prospecting for minerals and a push for opening new mines. Appleton J, et al. The social, economical, and environmental effects of diamond mining in Africa For numerous people over generations the diamond has actually been a symbol of power, appeal, high-end, individuality, and long lasting pure love. Additionally, alternative mining systems are suitable comparators. Lead-zinc tailings are complex heavy metal solid wastes produced in the mining process. Eligible population We included social, technological and environmental systems in Arctic and boreal regions based on political boundaries as follows (this encompasses various definitions of boreal zones, rather than any one specific definition for comprehensiveness and ease of understanding): Canada, USA (Alaska), Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway (including Svalbard), Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Lab=laboratory; expt=experiment. 1. J Trace Elem Med Biol. The stakeholder and rightsholder group for this map includes representatives of organisations affected by the broader 3MK project knowledge mapping project or who have special interests in the project outcome. Rybakov DS. For 6 websites with non-English language content (Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute; Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation; Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management; Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA); Finnish Sami Parliament; Norwegian Sami Parliament), searches were performed in Finnish (metallien louhinnan vaikutukset; metallien kaivostoiminta; kaivostoiminta; kaivannaisteollisuus; kaivos), and Danish (pvirkning virkning af metalminedrift; metalminedrift; minedrift) and Norwegian (stt effekter p gruvedrift av metal; metall gruvedrift; gruvedrift) as appropriate. As such, sustainability has become an important factor for many mining companies looking towards the future . A set of 49 articles known to be relevant were provided by the review team; the benchmark list (see Additional File 3). This list is indicative only and should not be taken as a priority list of topics for systematic review. Assessment of possible ecologodemographic effects of air emissions by the example of Karelia. The following criteria were used to assess relevance (eligibility) of studies identified through searching. Note some articles report multiple stages. Gandy CJ, et al. The evidence base for research on the environmental and social impacts of mining has grown over recent years. 4. 2017;6(1):11. 2011;66(4):87991. BACI) and experimental (e.g. With efforts to move away from fossil fuels, demand for minerals to support green energy technologies is expected to increase. 15), indicating few biases in research attention across the evidence base as a whole. To ensure that data were extracted in a consistent and repeatable manner, three reviewers (AS, JJT and NRH) piloted the extraction form by independently coding information from 10 articles at the beginning of the process. New York: Springer; 2018. p. 21328. Protecting the environment and human health is the prevention method. 2013;21(1):327. 2010;37(2):194203. Polar lessons learned: long-term management based on shared threats in Arctic and Antarctic environments. BiogenicAbiogenic interactions in natural and anthropogenic systems. There is little empirical research on the impacts of mining on environmental and social systems in the literature. Do the benefits of nuclear energy outweigh the risks of air and water pollution, and consequent illness, destroyed ecosystems, and injured wildlife? Constructing northern Fennoscandia as a mining region. 2015;38(3):194227. A relatively small number of articles investigated mitigation measures (n=105/585). In conclusion, the balance between geological, environmental, ecological, social, cultural, and economic factors makes the topic of mining in Indigenous . We differentiate here between articlesthe manuscripts in which data are presentedand outcome linesthe smallest independent data point in our map, corresponding to a measured outcome from a research article corresponding to a specific mine or mining area. A final round indicated a further increase in agreement, with 292/364 agreements (NRH vs CA). 14 and living standards [15]. There is thus a need for improved understanding of the consequences of mining on their lands, waters, and communities. statement and ARCTIC. Image: UNEP. Articles found by other means (i.e., organisational websites and review references) were screened at title and abstract and full-text but were not included in consistency checks. 2006;369(13):120. The number of articles using each type of comparator. It is executed in extensive land areas, creating large diameter craters and deepening as the process progresses. water or soil) can influence other systems in a positive or negative manner, such as the wellbeing of local communities [23]. While a broad body of evidence from quantitative studies exists that establishes the interlinkages between mining operations and effects on public health, little research has been conducted investigating health impacts from the . The number of articles across 5 study designs: BA before-after, BACI before-after-control-impacts, CI control-impact, I/A only impacts/affects only. Polar Geogr. Abstract and Figures. Where data are missing they were coded as NR (not reported). Semenova I, et al. 12). By some estimates, itmakes up nearly 45%of the total global economy, and mineral production continues to increase as demand for raw materials grows around the world.. Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining mitigation measures on socialecological systems in Arctic and boreal regions: a systematic map protocol. Article Studies were separated by line if the intervention impacted different systems (populations) within the same article. The boreal ecosystem. Aim: To investigate the mining industry's effect on both the community and the environment. This paper analyses the importance and environmental impacts of metallic small-scale mining in Chile. The interactive evidence atlas is available online ( and as a downloadable HTML file (Additional File 9). Bennett JR, et al. Control-impact study designs were most common (68%) with reference sites as the most frequently used comparator (43%). 17, 18,19,20. However, mining poses environmental risks that can degrade the quality of soil and water, which can end up effecting us . Disagreements were discussed at length and related primarily to uncertainty in this round. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Warhate S, et al. industrial contexts, heavily altered environments, etc.) We summarise the evidence base using bar plots, focusing first on the publications (e.g. However for the purpose of oil mining, Mine has been defined as all boreholes, oil wells and petroleum . Political opportunity and mobilization: the evolution of a Swedish mining-sceptical movement. For qualitative research; comparators are typically implicit, if present, and are thus not required. This systematic map demonstrates that there is a large body of evidence on the impacts of metal mining in Arctic and boreal regions. Abandoned mine sites as a downloadable HTML File ( Additional File 8 ) minerals to green! An industrial Northern region of soil and water, which can end effecting. Dumps and due to the ecological setting of the search string adaptations in... Minimised and opportunities maximised Martin B, Bocking s, editors of a final 585 were. 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conclusion of environmental impact of mining