Miscanthussometimes takes a year or so to get established. Loge can discuss the link between water, energy and greenhouse gas emissions; and energy used in water production, treatment, use and disposal. PADG notes: There are several different cultivars of Leucadendrons in the garden, including this one. Because of its size and neat growth habit, it makes a great filler plant in a native garden. , (he/him) a professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Center for Watershed Sciences, can discuss the short-term and prolonged impacts of drought and atmospheric rivers on Californias water supply. PADG notes: Several different types of lavenders are planted in the Demonstration Garden, including Otto Quast, a successful cultivar which is also a UC Davis Arboretum All-Star plant. PADGnotes:This plant is used as an accent plant in both the native and non-native garden beds with good results. Otherwise, this is a maintenance-free plant. It needs minimal drip irrigation, dies down after bloom, and resprouts in the spring with little extra maintenance required. Fine cut, It is evergreen, has spikes of star-shaped yellow or orange flowers and cool fleshy pencil-shaped leaves. Contact: 530-400-2439,hdahlke@ucdavis.edu. There are many different kinds ofCeanothus. PADG notes: Our experience with Erigeron 'Wayne Roderick' has been very good, although we have noticed that the foliage burns in the summer unless given more frequent water. The seedlings are easy to spot and pull out. PADG notes: Fairy Wand is said to need regular water, but a once every three weeks watering regime has worked well. Greek yarrow doesn't need a great deal of maintenance. USDA Growing Zones: 3 to 9; Color Varieties: Yellow; Sun Exposure: Full sun The nuts easily reseed where they fall, so collect them if new sprouts are not desired. The compact size, bright green leaves and blue springtime flowers ofBoragoofficinalis provide a nice contrast to the darkerand more mutedgreens of most water wiseplants. Contact: , (he/him), professor emeritus of hydrogeology in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, is an expert on groundwater quality and sustainability, paleovalleys, groundwater modeling, the response of water systems to climate change, and the transport of groundwater contaminants. It may be because it was planted on top of a gravel mound and received limited water. The. It has dainty, white, bell-shaped flowersin the fall and winter. "As a drought-tolerant plant, agave holds great potential in water-stressed California," Woolf said. The site where UC Davis is located was formerly home to the award-winning Jerome C. Davis stock farm. It grows quickly to establish ground cover but is sterile, so unwanted seeding does not occur. He is also theCalifornia Trout-UC Davis Wild and Coldwater Fish Scientist. The only maintenance this plant needs is to cut back the inflorescence after the flowers have dropped off. Contact: mabounajm@ucdavis.edu. PADG notes: The Palo Alto Demonstration Garden has severalKniphofiasincluding Christmas Cheer', which is a UC Davis Arboretum All-Star. When new foliage appears at its base in late winter, the plant is ready to be pruned back to the new green growth. PADG notes:This unnamed cultivar ofAgastachehas been a mixed successin our gardens. 448 La Rue Road Rosy buckwheat shines in late summer when the flowers turn from rosy to a coppery tint. The winter blooms are plentiful. It can grow to four feet in height and works well in the background of garden borders. When the leaves start looking shabby in the winter, cut the foliage back about three inches above the ground. Vigorous clumps can be divided in the winter. Contact:dasumner@ucdavis.edu. Rachel Davis, (she/hers), GATEways horticulturist for the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden, is an expert on habitat gardening and sustainable planting design. Many oreganos benefit from being sheared to the ground in the fall. The flowers appear several months later and are small and white. There are many different cultivars ofRibesavailable with flowers ranging from red to pink to yellow to white. He has monitored native fish populations through droughts for more than four decades and can discuss the declining status of native fishes, as well as the invasions of nonnative species. Contact: 530-754-5447. , (he/him), is an associate professor of human ecology. Contact: dhputname@ucdavis.edu. He can discuss converting landscapes from high maintenance and high water-use to regionally appropriate landscapes with multiple aesthetic and wildlife benefits. If you want to learn more aboutSalvias, we suggest reading Betsy Clebsch's book calledThe New Book of Salvias. It is very drought tolerant and is living up to its All-Star status with the gardens dry season irrigation cycle. Plant Leucadendrons on one-foot mounds to encourage good drainage. (Getty Images) Quick Summary Researchers to examine whether agave can be grown commercially in California Agave requires minimal watering, which is ideal for a drought-prone state Plants provide source of fiber, alternative sweetener and mezcal You can also find other low-water use plants by searching theWUCOLS Database(Water Use Classification of Landscape Species). This is a fast-growing plant, which if happy in the garden, will spread by seed. Contact: phbrown@ucdavis.edu. The stems on these plants can become woody. Arboretum All-Stars Sustainable Gardening Low-water Landscape Arboretum All-Stars 100 plants selected by our horticulturists for outstanding qualities. We have repeated silver foliage plants around theedge of the gardenbeds as a way of tying different beds together. Native irises are useful under oaks, in woodland gardens, and in meadows. Patrick H. Brown. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. On this page you willfind links to plant lists incorporating Arboretum All-Stars and other region-appropriate, low-to-medium water plants. Please include the Arboretum and Public Garden team when you take the, March 11 Member Appreciation Plant Sale Canceled, Staff Picks for our Spring 2023 Plant Sales, Making Transitions in Life and in a Garden, Arboretum Waterway Maintenance and Enhancement Project, UC Davis Satisfaction Survey Feb. 21 - Mar. Buckwheat requires some summer water the first year it is planted. Be aware though, there is one major maintenance issue when growing bearded iris. 17. Removing the flower stalks when the plant finishes blooming is all the maintenance needed. Echinacea purpurea is a green-leaved perennial that produces large purple, daisy-like blooms in the summer. Epilobium canum California Fuchsia: This native of many California regions requires little water if planted in the Sacramento Valley region. Cercis can be pruned over the winter to open up the branching structure to give the plant a more tree-like appearance. PADG Notes: To keep thyme neat, the faded flowers are sheared back in early spring. We have pruned this Cercocarpus to have a more open form, so it is now a very attractive, airy shrub. Take care not to cut into large branches. Thomas Harter,(he/him), is an expert on groundwater occurrence, groundwater flow, recharge dynamics, the role of rivers, precipitation and irrigation in maintaining our aquifers, and on how human activities and agriculture affect groundwater quality. to 3 ft. wide, 3 ft. to 4 ft. wide with 1 ft. flower stalks, 1 ft. to 2 ft. tall and 2 ft. to 3 ft. wide, White, cream, yellow, orange, copper, salmon, red, maroon. pic.twitter.com/qeIYuyzJDC. He can discuss drought impacts on alfalfa, the largest acreage crop in California. The plant has not bloomed. Spider aloe is frost-tender so be sure to protect it on cold winter nights. One Shields Avenue Emerald Carpet is a slow growing California native manzanita from the coast of Mendocino County. Contact:ralusardi@ucdavis.edu. The yellow-floweredBulbine frutescensblooms mostly in the winter when very few plants are in flower. Visit these on-campus demonstration gardens to get inspired by sustainable gardening designs and practices. Some people like them, but we cut them off. Its a striking plant with an interesting form it almost looks like a piece of modern sculpture. His research focus is the function and transport of nutrients in plants in agricultural systems. These plants are easy to propagate from cuttings and seeds. Attractive spring flowers are edible and sweet; large green berries have a pineapple-like flavor; can be used as hedging or as a screen; attracts hummingbirds. Contact: , (he/him), assistant director of the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden, manages the campuss natural landscape areas for teaching, research and public use. Note that there are over 250 species and hybrids ofGrevillea. Christmas Cheer blooms in the fall and winter unlike many otherKniphofias. Contact:rypel@ucdavis.edu. PADG notes: Some Master Gardeners have found this plant to be short-lived; other Master Gardeners haveMimulusplants in their personal gardens that are over five years old and doing just fine. PADGnotes:PADG planted three Howard McMinn manzanitas at the entrance of the Water Wise Garden. When using Ribes under a California Oak, avoid summer water. They should be heavily thinned even in desired areas and removed entirely when undesired. Leucadendron salignum Golden Tip is a structurally striking, upright shrub, with branches tipped with bright yellow bracts from winter into spring. Sometimes we cut them off and sometimes we leave them in place. , as well as dam removal along the Klamath River. Contact: 530-752-6355. is a professor of physiological ecology in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology. Borage is an annual that dies backwithout supplemental water in summer. Be aware that geranium Biokovo can become aggressive and spread quickly if planted in soil that is fertilized and watered regularly. The best time to do this pruning is in the late fall before the winter growth starts. The shrub is drought tolerant and commonly attracts hummingbirds. 1957 B Highway 1, Moss Landing, CA 95039 Tel: 831-763-1207 Fax: 831-763-1659. PADG notes: This plant is watered every three weeks, but this is at the edge of their tolerance in the garden. PADGnotes:The Palo Alto Demonstration Garden is still searching for a grass that is low growing and does well in full sun with limited water. Valley Oak Cottage His expertise includes novel efficiency technologies, the role of information technology in water-energy efficiency and water rates. The beds in garden are mulched with wood chips, but not fertilized and watered deeply with drip irrigation once every three weeks. He can discuss caring for plants under drought or water-stressed conditions, conserving water in urban gardens and planting drought-resistant landscapes. Regular pruning keeps this plant fuller and encourages more flowering the next season. Fragrant yellow flowers add color to the winter garden; very adaptable and hardy, grows best in well-drained soils; heat and drought tolerant. Penstemon heterophyllus Margarita BOP: This floral shrub is both drought and heat tolerant. It flowers in the winter when not much is blooming and provides a tidy, low growing shrub in the summer when other plants take center stage. Contact: senior aquatic research ecologist at the Center for Watershed Sciences and assistant adjunct faculty in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology. Many thymes are not long lived, but Thymus vulgaris has proven to be long-lived in our water wise garden. (he/him), is an expert on groundwater occurrence, groundwater flow, recharge dynamics, the role of rivers, precipitation and irrigation in maintaining our aquifers, and on how human activities and agriculture affect groundwater quality. His expertise includes novel efficiency technologies, the role of information technology in water-energy efficiency and water rates. During the dry season, drip irrigation is used every three weeks. The flowers and strappy foliage will disappear in the summer's heat. Plants from the . From spring until fall, flowering stems appear above the foliage. Discover the stories of homeowners who have replaced their lawns with sustainable landscapes. Dan Putnam,(he/him), is a Cooperative Extension specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences. It seems a little floppy, which might be a shade issue or just its natural form. It is more adaptable to typical garden environments than many otherCeanothus, tolerating heavy clay soil, drought, or summer watering. How much to prune is a matter of deciding the desirable size of the plants in the garden. PADGnotes:We have used two plants to mark an entryway to the garden. Please include the Arboretum and Public Garden team when you take the, Sacramento County Water Agency - Rebate Programs, March 11 Member Appreciation Plant Sale Canceled, Staff Picks for our Spring 2023 Plant Sales, Making Transitions in Life and in a Garden, Arboretum Waterway Maintenance and Enhancement Project, UC Davis Satisfaction Survey Feb. 21 - Mar. Contact: 530-752-7422. directs the Center for Water-Energy Efficiency and is a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Every few years, do a light pruning to new growth below the taller branches. The flowers have lots of nectarand the flat shape of the flower serves as a perfect landing pad for butterflies. PADG notes: This plant tended to die within two years in the Demonstration Gardens regularly watered clay soil. uses modeling and experimental approaches to address questions about drought and heat tolerance in grapevines. Her work examines how grapevines mitigate stress and the consequences for growth, yield and water use. PADG notes:To prevent accidental injuries, we prune off the sharp spiky tips of this plant. Experts from the University of California, Davis, are available to media to discuss water-supply issues affecting California, from droughts and floods to atmospheric rivers. Tough and drought tolerant, it is perfect in a native garden with other low-water plants. Like many natives, this plant needs good drainage, so consider planting it on a mound. University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011Help | Questions or comments? UC Davis to Study Agave Sustainability by Emily C. Dooley August 11, 2022 Quick Summary Researchers to examine whether agave can be grown commercially in California Agave requires minimal watering, which is ideal for a drought-prone state Plants provide source of fiber, alternative sweetener and mezcal And the less they are watered, the more intense the flavor. If ingested, immediately call the Poison Control Center or your doctor. The Tiger figs have been removed and replaced with a dwarf fig cultivar called Black Jack. This plant can be used as a focal plant in the garden surrounded by smaller perennials or as an understory plant when combined with large trees with low water usage, like California Oaks. Loved by pollinators, it tolerates heat and drought nicely, as it's a native to the western U.S. Epilobium (California fuschia) This perennial has gray-green leaves and colorful orange to red flowers in the summer and fall. She studies the physiological requirements fish need to survive and thrive in complex environments, and she can discuss how climate change and drought are impacting fish and aquatic systems. PADG Notes:'Queen Fabiola' has been planted in several beds on the edge of the garden that receive limited or no supplemental water. It tends to brown out in the middle, but can be divided and replanted to renew it. Please include the Arboretum and Public Garden team when you take the UC Davis Satisfaction Survey Feb. 21 - Mar. PADG Notes: This grass is extremely low maintenance and unlike many other grasses doesn't need to be divided every couple years. It's one of the problems with using common names. PADGnotes:The toyon in the PaloAlto Demo Garden Water Wise Garden was planted in the winter of 2008 from a one-gallon container in a spot where it gets afternoon shade. The UC Davis Wildfire, Smoke and Air Quality experts list is also available. Some Master Gardeners are a little more daring and like to cutPhlomisback to six inches above the ground. Contact: College of Agricultural and Environmental Science, Battling Barriers, Bias to Retain and Recruit STEM Talent, Building Community to Benefit Physics Students, Commencement Schedule and Graduation Celebrations, College of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, College of Biological Sciences Events Calendar, College of Letters and Science Events Calendar, Graduate School of Management Events Calendar, Robert Arneson: Serious Ideas Behind that Humor, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education, Kat Kerlin, UC Davis News and Media Relations, Environment, 530-750-9195, kekerlin@ucdavis.edu, Amy Quinton, UC Davis News and Media Relations, Agriculture, 530-601-8077, amquinton@ucdavis.edu. It is used extensively to visually tie the beds together. Some Echeverias do well in full sun, but Imbricata seems to do better in half shade and with a drip very close to the roots. This usually works best right before a plant puts out new growth in the spring. It is one of the showiest and most compact of the buckwheats. Beth Forrestel,(she/her), is anassistant professor of plant biologyin the Department of Viticulture and Enology. She can discuss how to create and maintain drought- tolerant landscapes that support pollinators and other species throughout the urban environment. Shape this plant every so often to keep its mounding form. He can discuss how drought, climate change and other factors impact freshwater fisheries and ecosystems. It has bloomed and grown over the years, but it really wants a sunnier spot. Calling all UC Davis Academics and Staff! She can discuss how to create and maintain drought- tolerant landscapes that support pollinators and other species throughout the urban environment. Also, prune out any frost damage once the danger of frost is over. UC Davis plant expert talks drought-tolerant plants for Sacramento region Watch on UC Davis experts are available to help your yard look its best, regardless of what's going on with the region's weather and climate. First, it's a deficit irrigation trial occurring in states that often suffer from drought conditions, most recently of historic proportions. One reason might be that it likes more water than it receives. Remove the odd branch that dies back in the late summer and the plant will fill in. The plants readily self sow. PADG notes: Several varieties of Ceanothus were planted several years ago in the Native Bed at thePalo Alto Demonstration Garden. PADG Notes: In the PADG Water Wise Garden, we found that too much summer sun burned the leaves and made the plant unattractive. Although California poppies are perennials in the Santa Clara Valley, they can be treated as annuals. Contact:aossola@ucdavis.edu. Once the plants become mature, up to one third of the large woody branches are pruned to control plant size and maintain vigor. Experts from the University of California, Davis, are available to media to discuss water-supply issues affecting California, from droughts and floods to atmospheric rivers. The plant spreads by underground rhizomes and can eventually cover a large area. This plant is not easy to find in nurseries and gardens, but if you like the texture,Tanacetum densum amaniis worth seeking out. Cuttings root easily in the cool months. Maintenance consists of occasional deadheading of spent flowers. We're all about this year's garden design trends because they speak not only to our sense of design aesthetics, but also to a melding of intention, human use, beauty and the needs of the surrounding natural environment. This attractive plant has silver leaves and bright blue flowers. PADG notes: Seafoam has been used as a small edging plant in the Demonstration Garden. Given enough water from late fall through spring, intermediate bearded iris can grow to a height of 2.5 feet tall, and tall bearded iris can reach 4 feet in height. Despite the low maintenance approach, this plant blooms continually in the spring, summer, and fall. UC Davis to research whether agave plants could be a drought tolerant and sustainable crop for California, as the tequila and mezcal industry grows. Contact: 530-219-7618. directs the California Center for Urban Horticulture. Learn more Plant Lists Beyond Arboretum All-Stars: Lists of plants well-suited for Central Valley gardens. Contact:ramdavis@ucdavis.edu. Contact: 202-271-9392,ksbork@ucdavis.edu. He holds the Roy J. Shlemon Chair in Applied Geosciences. They do well in very dry situations. Contact: 530-754-1041, npinter@ucdavis.edu. Scientists at the University of California, Davis, have identified new root traits that help grapevines resist drought. No other maintenance is done for this plant. Loge can discuss the link between water, energy and greenhouse gas emissions; and energy used in water production, treatment, use and disposal. This hard pruning will rejuvenate the plant. It is extremely drought tolerant once established. Plants remain healthy with and without summer trims. It makes a formidable barrier. The plant may need more water than our water wise garden is given. PADG Notes: Echeveria Imbricata, a UC Davis Arboretum All-Star, is featured in the Demonstration Garden. 2 ft. to 3 ft. wide and tall with plumes rising 4 ft. to 5 ft. 1 ft. wide and tall forming a dense mound, 15 ft. to 20 ft. tall and wide, but can prune smaller, Orange-red flowers with ornamental yellow, orange, or red fruit, 6 ft. to 7 ft. tall and 1 1/2 ft. to 2 ft. wide, 4 ft. to 6 ft. wide and 3 ft. to 6 ft. tall, 6 - 8 in. Heteromeles . To maintain, prune out dead leaves at their base, but don't try to reduce size ofPhormiums by cutting back the leaves. Be careful of using fertilizer with phosphorus aroundGrevillea. It's called the cup plant because water collects in cups formed where the leaves meet the stems. California Native Plants for the Gardenrecommends occasional coppicing to improve its appearance. Clickherefor a full report of the study. 'Amazing Red' has held its color in the demonstration garden for six years and for ten years in some Master Gardeners' personal gardens. The resources weve listed below are not endorsed by the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden, but are websites you might find helpful as you start your search. The full impact of the drought on the state's agricultural regions is not yet quantified, but preliminary results from a University of California- Davis study suggest that Central Valley farms . To encourage reblooming, deadhead it regularly. All rights reserved. He works closely with ranchers to help them cope with drought, which has severely impacted Californias 41 million acres of rangeland. Like many sages, these are short-lived plants. It is highly recommended as a medium-sized rose for water-wise perennial gardens. PADG notes: Every spring, older growth is raked out to encourage new green leaves. If leaves are left on until the seed pods open, more plants will grow the next year. This grass needs occasional water and good drainage. PADG notes: We also triedJuncus, a similar looking plant, but found it did not do well with once every three weeks watering. Without summer leaves, the pale bark of the California buckeye offers interest and structure in the garden and is very easy to prune and shape. Be careful of the sap as it may irritate the skin. We suspect this plant would look lusher in the summer with deep weekly watering. Each year new rhizomes spread from the original making a larger clump. Contact: 530-752-6810,gefogg@ucdavis.edu. She studies the physiological requirements fish need to survive and thrive in complex environments, and she can discuss how climate change and drought are impacting fish and aquatic systems. California native plant; colorful pink flowers in spring, summer, and fall make good cut flowers; ferny green foliage will spread; flowers attract butterflies and beneficial insects. Be treated as annuals before a plant puts out new growth below taller! Perennial that produces large purple, daisy-like blooms in the middle, it... One Shields Avenue, Davis, have identified new root traits that help grapevines resist drought mulched wood. Foliage back about three inches above the foliage back about three inches the! In cups formed where the leaves: 530-752-7422. directs the Center for urban Horticulture home! With branches tipped with bright yellow bracts from winter into spring treated as annuals need be. Spider aloe is frost-tender so be sure to protect it on cold winter nights and sometimes cut. 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