What is the shelf life of the remaining Subdue MAXX Fungicide? 1 L pack sizeA micro emulsion concentrate (MEC) with minimal odour as the product does not contain petroleum solvents.SUBDUE MAXX mixes completely with water and may be tank mixed with many commonly used fungicides andliquid fertilisers.SUBDUE MAXX can be tank mixed with BANNER MAXX, HEADWAY MAXX, HERITAGE MAXX and PRIMO MAXX. Subdue Maxx. MEFENOXAM GROUP 4 FUNGICIDE For resistance management, Subdue MAXX contains a Group 4 phenylamide fungicide. While handling the concentrate, during treatment of the seed and while handling treated seed wear a face shield, hat or cap and rubber gloves. Ference continues to be the trusted source for ABW control. PCP: 27055 OTHER AVAILABLE FUNGICIDES We have access to or stock a wide range It offers root protection as its solubility penetrates the soil for great root density. For control of diseases on turf. Non frequent deep watering. Subdue fungicide is usually compatible with Banner MAXX, Daconil, Fore, Heritage, and Medallion. It is a microemulsion concentrate formulation providing excellent tank mix compatibility and stability, containing no odor and mixing into a clear solution. Easy record keeping, mixing calculations, labels and more in the palm of your hand. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Contact fungicides (AKA protectants) are not absorbed by the plant and . DO NOT apply with aircraft . Nuturf is a division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd ABN 61 135 355 958, For any commercial pricing enquiries, please Contact Us on, Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Dysfunction, Nuturf, A division of Australian Agribusiness (Holdings) Pty Ltd, High efficacy, economical control of Pythium in all turf species, High turf safety and suitable for protection of germinating seedlings during over-seeding, The number 1 choice for effective Pythium control programs. Subdue Maxx has a set of worldwide industry standard in protection against Pythium infection, as well as a range of associated turf diseases including damping off and Yellow Tuft. Applications of SUBDUE MAXX should commence when seedlings are at the 3 - 4 leaf stage and repeated every 14 days until transplant. Active Ingredient (s): Mefenoxam. Subdue MAXX Fungicide is formulated as a microemulsion concentrate that controls Pythium blight. Remember though that Pythium control depends heavily upon regular population control throughout the summer. turf. Whether that isPythium BlightorPythium Root Rot(pictured below),Subdue Maxx gives brilliant protection for your turf. It also controls of diseases for vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers and diseases on turf. Subdue Maxx Fungicide can be used to prevent diseases on ornamentals; turf; non-bearing citrus grown in and as landscape plantings; conifers grown in nurseries and plantations including christmas trees; and non-bearing deciduous fruit and nut trees grown in nurseries. With both systemic and contact activity, Subdue Maxx can stop disease from further germination and control what is already there. without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. var mydate = new Date(); var year = mydate.getYear(); if (year < 1000) year += 1900; document.write(year); Syngenta|Site Map|User Agreement|Online Privacy Policy|Cookies Policy . This product may be applied through micro-sprinkler or drip irrigation systems. Subdue Maxx has a set of worldwide industry standard in protection against Pythium infection, as well as a range of associated turf diseases including damping off and Yellow Tuft. Subdue Maxx Fungicide works systemically on ornamentals; nursery grown non-bearing citrus; turf; nursery and plantation grown conifers; Christmas trees; and nursery grown non-bearing deciduous nut and fruit trees. Subdue Maxx is a leading solution for preventive, Turfgrass Disease Identification Guide for Golf, Emergencies: 1-800-888-8372 (24 hours; 7 days), Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT(A) (1-866-796-4368), Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information, Limit The Use Of My Sensitive Personal Information, Has broad spectrum disease control, including, Contains systemic activity providing even distribution throughout the plant, Enables easy mixing and less equipment wear due to its microemulsion concentrate formulation, Minimizes development of insensitive strains of fungi, Helps reduce disruption on the course and to home owners with odorless technology. Fungicides for Disease Control Because of the speed of disease establishment and spread, and the consequences of Pythium infection (turf death), fungicides represent essential tools for Pythium blight control. Consecutive days of rain and high temperatures (25-40C) will quickly advance Pythium populations.Example: A sound strategy is therefore an early start with continued action. It's cost-effective for fairways and can be used anywhere on your course - on any turf - to help ensure disease-free playing conditions all year long. A jar compatibility test is recommended before tank-mixing with other pesticides and/or adjuvants to ensure the compatibility of Subdue MAXX with other tank-mixed pesticides, adjuvant, or fertilizer partners. A gradual or total loss of pest control may occur over time if these fungicides are used repeatedly at the same use site. in an action of contract, negligence or other action, arising out of Exceptional levels of performance and long residual activity for up to 21 days make Subdue Maxx an integral part of disease management programs wherever Pythium is an issue. Label & SDS Summary Product Benefits Mode of Action Class of Chemistry Uses Packaging P391 Collect spillage. Subdue Maxx provides outstanding control when applied preventively as conditions become favorable for Pythium development. Login or Register for the Latest GreenCast Updates. Avoid mowing wet, infected turf where mycelium is present to avoid spreading spores with the mower blades Destroy empty container and do not use it for any other purpose. Subdue Maxx fungicide offers superior control of Pythium blight. Avoid storage above 35 C. Reduce thatch and improve dra, Subdue MAXX Fungicide is not labled for a soil treatment when treating for phytophthora. Subdue MAXX Fungicide works systemically on ornamentals; nursery grown non-bearing citrus; turf; nursery and plantation grown conifers; Christmas trees; and nursery grown non-bearing deciduous nut and fruit trees. Will irritate the eyes. Reduce thatch and improve drainage with core aeration. For control of diseases on ornamental plants; ornamental bulb, corm, and tuber plants; conifers and conifer nurseries; Christmas trees and Christmas tree plantations; forest plantations; forest nurseries; and non-bearing citrus trees and fruit and nut plants grown in greenhouses and nurseries (including field- and container-grown plants grown outdoors and in shade houses, lath houses and other production sites and structures), retail nurseries, residential and commercial landscapes, and interior plantscape ornamentals. Standard Pythium fungicides, such as mefeanoxam (Subdue Maxx), propamocarb (Banol), and fosetyl-Al (Signature) have provided poor to moderate control of Pythium root dysfunction when applied alone. Subdue Maxx is a micro emulsion concentrate (ME) with minimal odour as the product does not contain petroleum solvents. For control of certain diseases in ornamental plants, greenhouse lettuce, greenhouse pepper, greenhouse tomato, conifers, golf course turf and turf for golf course and sod production. Provides long-lasting protection against the most challenging ornamental diseases. In case of toxic or transport emergency ring +44 (0) 1484 538444 anytime. Subdue Maxx Turf Fungicide Subdue Maxx is a systemic fungicide for use on ornamentals, turf, non-bearing citrus grown in nurseries and as landscape plantings; conifers grown in nurseries and plantations, including Christmas trees, and non-bearing deciduous fruit and nut trees grown in nurseries. Making a good start to the season should see turf through summer without a problem. Ference continues to be the trusted source for ABW control. Prevention with Pythium root rot is the answer. Talking Turf are our distributors in South Africa, to buy Syngentas Subdue Maxx Fungicide, clickhere. Subdue Maxx Turf Fungicideis an excellent choice to use preventatively or early curatively during high Pythium infection risk periods. Subdue Maxx Fungicide is formulated as a microemulsion concentrate that controls Pythium blight. Each user should read this SDS and consider the information in the context of how the product will be handled and used in the workplace including in conjunction with other products. Prevent contamination of food, feed, drinking water and eating utensils. The product is safe for pets and children if used according to label directions. Fungicides are pesticides that prevent, kill, mitigate or inhibit the growth of fungi on plants, but they are not effective against bacteria, nematodes, or viral diseases. The fast absorption and systemic movement combines to ensure true "stopping power" for early curative Pythium Leaf Blight situations. For other spray volumes, make appropriate changes in the components. SUBDUE MAXX is one of the best preventative and early curative systemic fungicides for effective control of Pythium in greens. SUBDUE MAXX contains 240 g/L Mefenoxam (phenylamide), a member of the phenylamide fungicides.GROUP 4 FUNGICIDE. Increase air circulation and reduce the amount of shade which will limit the amount of time of foliar JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Rotate the use of Subdue MAXX or other Group 4 fungicides within a growing season sequence with different groups that control the same pathogens. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture. Here are a few tips for getting rid of Pythium Blight: Microemulsion concentrate for easy mixing and less equipment wear, Proven control of Pythium and Phytophthera. Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide for use on ornamental plants; ornamental bulb, corm, and tuber plants; conifers and conifer nurseries; Christmas trees and Christmas . Store away from food and feed. Subdue MAXX Fungicide is odorless and is stable and compatible when tank mixed. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Any fungal population may contain individuals naturally resistant to Subdue Maxx and other Group 4 fungicides. For Pythium Root Rot a preventative plan is the only safe approach. For Pythium Root Rot a preventative plan is the only safe approach. |Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information|Limit The Use Of My Sensitive Personal Information. You can use Subdue Maxx Fungicide both indoors and outdoors to protect bedding plants, woody ornamentals and more. provided. Solutions & Supplies for the Green Industry. When opening the container and preparing the spray wear: Damping off, root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora spp., and foliar diseases such as downy mildew and foliar diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. Maintain vigorous agitation in the spray tank before and during the application. Protecting plants during propagation can be a challenge, especially during Certain diseases thrive in cooler growing environments, so growers must remain vigilant even as temperatures start to drop. Product was successfully added to your shopping cart. Subdue Maxx is a broad-spectrum fungicide that offers superior control of diseases like pythium blight. Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news, product and technical updates, GreenTrust 365 program offers and more. Per the product label of Subdue Maxx Fungicide: You would use 0.50 - 1.0 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft in 1-5 gallons of water. SUBDUE MAXX FUNGICIDE . SUBDUE MAXX is rapid and responsive treating problems before they are actually seen. HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4 Fungicide. It contains active ingredient mefenoxam and can be used in conifers, non-bearing fruit trees, ornamentals and turf. SUBDUE MAXX contains 240 g/L Mefenoxam (phenylamide), a member of the phenylamide fungicides. For fungicide resistance management the product is a Group 4 fungicide. If Subdue Maxx Fungicide is used at the high rate for application to turfgrass each quart container will treat an estimated 0.69 acres. EPA#: 100-796. Refer to current product label and safety data sheet. This stops the growth of the disease and prevents development within the turf grass plant. Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the Daconil Action fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide and plant activator that controls 15 and suppresses two diseases. $179.90. Toxic to daphnia (scale animals) and animals A highly effective, economical solution for Pythium in all turf species, Protection of germinating seedlings during overseeding with high turf safety, The combination of fast absorption and even systemic movement as well as contact action in soil, resulting in full plant protection, MAXX technology allows for excellent tank mix compatibility with other fungicides and foliar fertilisers. Good cultural practices including proper turf species selection, appropriate use of fertilizer and irrigation will prevent serious damage in most turfgrass areas. Do not use in greenhouse citrus nursery stock intended for commercial fruit production. After treatment, keep pets and children away from the treated area until the product as dried. - a washable hat Call (800) 785-3301. Price From: You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. It contains Mefenoxam that has been a time-tested material that have proven to be very effective against Pythium blight. Protecting plants during propagation can be a challenge, especially during spring production because of the large variety of bedding plants produced. It is formulated as a microemulsion concentrate, providing excellent tank mix compatibility and stability. In a transport emergency dial 000, Police or Fire Brigade.For specialist advice in an emergency only, call 1800 033 111 (24 hours). For large order quotes, please call us at 866-581-7378. Subdue Maxx fungicide offers control of Pythium blight. Subdue Maxx has set a worldwide industry standard in protection againstPythium infection, as well as a range of associated turf diseases includingdamping off and Yellow Tuft (Downy Mildew). NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THE MANUFACTURERS CURRENT PRODUCT LABEL. Avoid mowing wet, infected turf where mycelium is present to avoid spreading spores with the mower blades Active Ingredient(s): When is the best time to treat with Subdue MAXX Fungicide, and how often do I need to re-apply it? Mefenoxam, HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Use this product either preventatively once a year during the growing season or whenever you have noticed and identified a disease on your plants. reproduced without written consent by the Developer. Subdue MAXX Fungicide is formulated as a microemulsion concentrate that controls Pythium blight. PPE required for Applicators, Mixers or Loaders: Appear II fungicide controls important diseases including Pythium and anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality and stress tolerance. DoMyOwn Turf Box - 20% Off + Free Shipping . and P. ramorum. Subdue Maxx is absorbed and translocated by the turf grass plant, therefore it cannot be washed off by rain because it is inside the plant. SUBDUE MAXX is a micro emulsion concentrate (MEC) with minimal odour because the product does not contain petroleum solvents. Emulsifiable Concentrate . It offers root protection as its solubility penetrates the soil for great root density. including Phytophthora ramorum * See label for complete list, Conifers, Non-bearing Citrus, Non-bearing deciduous Fruits and Nuts, Ornamentals and Turf * See label for complete list. After four weeks my tree is lush and flourishing. - cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist Always conduct a tank-mix compatibility test when mixing with new or unknown tank-mix partners before use. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to the product and other Group 4 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. Read and follow the applicable restrictions and limitations, and directions for use on all product labels involved in tank mixing. Rate: 16 - 32 ml/100m every 7 - 14 days. Late September SUBDUE MAXX @ 3 to 3.5 L/ha. Wash contaminated clothing after use. Product Label. - face shield or goggles, When using the prepared spray wear: For all other applications, do not make more than two sequential applications of Subdue Maxx before alternating with a non-Group 4 fungicide. Consecutive days of rain and high temperatures (25-40C) will quickly advance Pythium populations. Consultants ("the Developer") does not accept any responsibility for Making a good start to the season should see turf through summer without a problem. The fast absorption and systemic movement combines to ensure true stopping power for early curative Pythium Leaf Blight situations. 2004-2023 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the, Lawn Care Turf Finder or Australian Sports Turf For control of disease of vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers. Do not apply this product through any other type of irrigation system. Guides, Damping off, root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora spp., and foliar diseases such as downy mildew and foliar diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. Exceptional levels of performance and long residual activity for up to 21 days make Subdue Maxx an integral part of disease management programs wherever Pythium is an . Per the product label it should be appliedasa foliar treatment only. P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Login or Register for the Latest GreenCast Updates. Do not include HTML, links, references to other stores, pricing or contact info. Emulsifiable Concentrate . Don't use or store near heat or open flames Add half of the required water to the sprayer. Water volume varies by targeted disease; Subdue MAXX see label. Late January fosetyl (800 g/kg) @ 12.5 kg/ha. Vincelli & Munshaw , Chemical Control of Turf grass Diseases 2015. Subdue Maxx belongs to a group of fungicides called phenylamides, which have been rigorously tested and are widely used. Subdue fungicide provides contact and systemic protection against Pythium blight, Pythium damping-off, and yellow tuft (downy mildew). Subdue Maxx is an excellent choice to use preventatively during high infection risk periods. Subdue Maxx is a broad-spectrum fungicide that offers superior control of diseases like pythium blight. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst mixing or applying the product or before washing hands and face. Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. See label for complete details and application instructions. Maxtima fungicide is a cutting-edge new DMI that can safely and affordably be sprayed at any temperature, on any turf variety. Subdue Maxx stops disease growth and prevents the development of disease within the plant. For terrestrial uses: Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Once turf has been infected with Pythium, the infected tiller usually dies and needs to be replaced with another plant. For resistance management, Subdue Maxx fungicide contains a Group 4 phenylamide fungicide. Rating system for fungicide efficacy. Growing ornamental crops is no easy task. Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news, product and technical updates, GreenTrust 365 program offers and more. For control of disease of vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers. Turf Growth Regulator and SUBDUE MAXX Turf Fungicide. Dont wait until July or August to begin planning for Pythium. Use at least the minimum application rate as labeled by the manufacturer. Syngenta encourages responsible product stewardship to ensure effective long-term control of fungal diseases. Manner CONTRARY to the product and other Group 4 fungicide for resistance management the product and other Group 4.! 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