Now you can set up Module Federation in the example Angular application. To run from a git checkout locally, remove all of the proprietary example directories and then run yarn at the repo root. I'm working on a new project using Angular 11 and Webpack 5. This is probably an argument for keeping minimal shared state/dependencies across your apps. Sharing with Module Federation At the time of this writing, module federation is new and still changing. In the following example, mfe1 is loaded as a module while mfe2 is loaded as a script: While moving forward with Modules and aligning with the CLI is a good idea, you might to temporarily opt-out of using them. Step 5: Create Docker image for mfe1 using the below command. However, if you feel that the disadvantages weigh heavier, the next sections show an alternative. Hence, you also need Nx 14.2.x or higher. Step 2: Create Admin Module. Each team has the maximum amount of freedom in their repository. If you havent used Nx before, just assume a CLI workspace with tons additional features. Here is what you can do to flag sbhuvane: sbhuvane consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's @Mike what "singleton: true" is used for ? when did command line applications start using "-h" as a "standard" way to print "help"? The main difference to the result in the previous article is that now the shell informs itself about the Micro Frontends at runtime. (Ex: header App & Sidenav App on router="/index" in Host application), Any suggestion would be Appreciated. Besides the default scenarios, we also look into dynamic . At the end, you find a property tag, Ive set to scope:shell: The value for the tags are just strings. If it shows the same user name, the library is shared. This gives you some additional time for the migration as it brings back the behavior of Angular 12. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Er hat berufsbegleitend IT und IT-Marketing in Graz sowie ebenfalls berufsbegleitend Computer Science in Hagen studiert und eine vier-semestrige Ausbildung im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung abgeschlossen. Please note that the current CLI beta lacks some features when using it with webpack 5, e. g. reloading an application in debug mode (when using ng serve). Adjust it as follows: This references the separately compiled and deployed mfe1 project. We also have some cons but considering the tradeoff, depending on your use-case microfrontends are a powerful tool. Thank you for sharing. The microfrontend also referred to as a remote with terms of module federation looks like an ordinary Angular application. To find out about the small differences for lower versions of Angular and for the migration from such a lower version, please have a look to our migration guide. Generally speaking, we're using this to point to code that is bundled into our app by Webpack. Please note that the mfe1 project needs to run in port 5000 and we are pointing to mfe1remoteentry.js which is the name we gave in the mfe1's webpack.config.js, Add path to mfe1 and lazy load the mfe feature module, Note that in the import statement we are using MfeFeatureModule, which is the name of the module we gave in mfe1's webpack.config.js. You can refer to my GitHub repo for the completed solution. The Micro Frontend used here is a simple Angular application bootstrapping a Standalone Component: When bootstrapping, the application registers its router config MFE1_ROUTES via services providers. The goal is to make a shell capable of loading a separately compiled and deployed microfrontend: This topic is also an important part of our Angular Workshop with a focus on Architectures (100% Online, Advanced, available in English and German). Why? We will now add webpack5 to the workspace. On a basic level this is how you can achieve microfrontend architecture with the help of module federation in angular 12. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. With Webpack's module federation, choose what you expose from your micro frontends. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Please let me know how can i fix this issue. Your main application (or shell) just needs to define a new route like "/shop" for the remote module and instead of lazy loading a local module . Angular schematics are processed when you run ng add single-spa-angular or ng add single-spa-angular --project my-cool-app. Updated on 2021-12-23 for Angular 13.x and Nx 13.4 and upwards Updated on 2021-06-11 for Angular 14.x or higher and Nx 14.x. After that, it shows with an example, how to use Module Federation in an Nx monorepo. Updated on May 12, 2021. Once suspended, sbhuvane will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. So far, weve seen that Module Federation is a straightforward solution for creating Micro Frontends on top of Angular. Angular Workshop Structured Introduction, 3 days or 4 days (depending on time model), Design with System: Scalable Design Systems with Storybook and Angular, Reactive Angular Architectures with RxJS and NGRX (Redux), Professional NGRX: Advanced Topics & Best Practices, Automatic Migration to Standalone Components in 3 Steps, Signals in Angular: The Future of Change Detection, Interview: Full Stack Architecture (English Version), The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation in Webpack 5, The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation with Angular, Building A Plugin-based Workflow Designer With Angular and Module Federation, Getting Out of Version-Mismatch-Hell with Module Federation, Using Module Federation with (Nx) Monorepos and Angular, Pitfalls with Module Federation and Angular, Multi-Framework and -Version Micro Frontends with Module Federation: Your 4 Steps Guide, Module Federation with Angulars Standalone Components. Explain Like I'm 5 How Oath Spells Work (D&D 5e). In our scenario the 3 applications are running on different ports on localhost. it is throwing cors origin error while accessing remote.js file. Module Federation Series Part 2: Things you should know when building microfrontends with Angular + Module Federation. Full video course: https://angularmaster.dev0:00 - Start of transmission12:49 - Start of the webinar : Micro Frontends with Module Federation and Angular 121. If you find out that the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages, you find a solution for mixing and matching different frameworks and versions here. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. On Clicking each link we load a module from the remote application and use it in our shell application. It should run in default port 4200. What about on a drone? There are some alternatives to configure its URL (see links at the end). In this training, you will learn from well-known insiders and experts from the very beginning, using many examples, how to successfully develop modern applications with. exports = {plugins: [new ModuleFederationPlugin ({shared: {'my-vue': {// can be referenced by import "my-vue" import: 'vue', // the "vue" package will be used as a provided and fallback module shareKey: 'shared-vue', // under this name the shared module will be placed in the share scope shareScope: 'default', // share scope with this . I have the exact same issue. You can configure the port to be whatever you desire. However, this is only possible if the remote's entry is loaded upfront. If you see the logged-in user name in mfe1, you have the proof that auth-lib is only loaded once and shared across the applications. My second problem was that I was attempting to share common facades that depended on common data access services. This tutorial shows how to use Webpack Module Federation together with the Angular CLI and the @angular-architects/module-federation plugin. I don't know how to solve this problem. However, there are also some disadvantages: We need to version and distribute shared dependencies via npm. I have got the solutions to this at: Interesting article. For this, Nx provides linting rules. This has simple html but it can be a module with complex routes, many components etc. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. This is what it looks like: After generating the manifest, make sure the ports match. It contains the module federation configuration for mfe1. Also, we can avoid version conflicts by not sharing libraries between different Micro Frontends. However, I can tell you: Ive seen both working in huge real-world projects. Hence, lets comment out the remote section there: Also, in the shells router config, we need to switch out the dynamic imports used before by calls to loadRemoteModule: The loadRemoteModule function takes all the key data, Module Federation needs for loading the remote. This also prevents increased bundles. These switches take a commit hash or the name of a branch. As in the previous article, we are using the @angular-architects/module-federation plugin to enable Module Federation for the shell and mfe1. Datenschutz. I'll do my best to explain my setup.. Real sorry about how long this is going to be. Why would a fighter drop fuel into a drone? For instance, your build process could execute this command and prevent merging a feature into the main branch if these linting rules fail: No broken windows anymore. This also works for testing, e2e-tests, and linting out of the box. That solved the issues I was having with Webpack being unable to find modules at compile time. Happy Learning. Hence, if your micro frontends and the shell are deployed to different origins, you need to enable CORS. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Ideally, we load the remote entry upfront before Angular bootstraps. As a replacement for this, future versions of the router will expose a function for setting up the routers providers. Open the shell's router config (projects\shell\src\app\app.routes.ts) and add a route loading the microfrontend: Please note that the imported URL consists of the names defined in the configuration files above. Hence, we also get Module Federation out of the box. Its all about the different consequences. Run the mfe1 app. Here is what you can do to flag manfredsteyer: manfredsteyer consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's At the moment, webpack is statically building our application, telling it at build time where our Remotes are. If you use it, only the mentioned libs are shared. Instead, it only rebuilds the changed apps. However, now it's loaded dynamically. When we click on the links, modules from remote applications are loaded like a lazy loaded module and we can see the result in the router outlet. I am basing my work on Manfred Steyer's Module Federation Plugin Example repo, which uses Angular CLI. 546), We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Since Angular 15.2, there is a schematic that automates the migration to Standalone Components. Its on you to evaluate these consequences for your very project. To fix the error, we will create decl.d.ts under host and declare the module, Step 3: Add route for mfe in Appcomponent, In app.component.html, make the following changes, you will able to navigate to the mfe1 which is actually running in localhost:5000, Option 2: Dockerize the apps and run in containers, *Step 1: * Create nginx default configuration file. I hereby agree that software architect can process my email address for the purpose of sending the newsletter. Also, they decide by themselves when to update to newer versions. That is because they are specified in the module-federation.config.js file. To get this default behavior, just skip the sharedMappings property. Support for Micro-frontends with Module Federation and Angular. After that, it shows with an example, how to use Module Federation in an Nx monorepo. For this, you can adjust the project.json in the apps or libs folder. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. Even if one doesnt want to load it from a JSON file with loadManifest, one can define it via setManifest. This example shows a solution for Static Federation. This router config points to several Standalone Components: Here, importProvidersFrom bridges the gap between the existing RouterModule and the world of Standalone Components. Whats New in our Module Federation Plugin 14.3? Architecture with Angular Ivy - Part 1: A possible future without NgModules. Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first, Engineering Director / Engineering Manager / Architect at Cognizant, Music Monday What are you listening to? Most upvoted and relevant comments will be first, Focusing on building scalable & maintainable future-proof applications Architecture, Nx, TS, Angular, Nest. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the information about Angular. For more details on the differences/ migration to Angular 14 please see this migration guide. Before, this name was used as the name of a global variable that made the remote available. If you want to load (existing) script-based remote into your shell, e. g. such built with Angular 12, you can use the following syntax in the shell's webpack.config.js. Adjust it as follows: Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. Ive repeated this for mfe1 (scope:mfe1) and the auth-lib (scope:auth-lib). This article compares the consequences of using several repositories ("Micro Frontends by the book") and one sole monorepo. When we compile the host project it will throw an error. The host expects mfe1 to run in port 5000, hence running the mfe1 container in port 5000. It contains the module federation configuration for mfe1. The easier and more staightforward use case is when integrating remote modules directly into the Angular router (symbolized with the Shop link in the image). For configuring these linting rules, we need to add tags to each app and lib in our monorepo. Are you sure you want to create this branch? In this case, they would go with version 1.1.0. Is there such a thing as "too much detail" in worldbuilding? This guide shows how you can adjust to this. Great, thanks a lot for pushing it! This is a simple tutorial that demonstrates implementation of Microfrontend using Webpack Module Federation. Are there any other examples where "weak" and "strong" are confused in mathematics? code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. This makes complete sense but i can't get it to work, If I reference the local library this way I inevitably end up with errors during builds, The examples I posted are simplified. Developer, Musician, Biker, Coder & Travel enthusiast, remote1 is the name of the project (which you used when creating the application with ng new command), port can be anything, just make sure it free. Once in place, they give us errors when we directly reference code belonging to another Micro Frontend and hence another business domain. I am basing my work on Manfred Steyer's Module Federation Plugin Example repo, which uses Angular CLI. I checked the bundles with the webpack bundle analyser and saw that the Shared modules are duplicate in main and polyfills. Now, the question is, wheres the catch? Beginning with version 13, the Angular CLI compiles emits EcmaScript modules. Hence, the shell can use this path to load it. For this, just run the following commands: Meanwhile, Nx also ships with its own support for Module Federation. In this case, only the manifest is loaded: setManifest(): This function allows to directly set the manifest. What kind of screw has a wide flange with a smaller head above? This key data is just several strings, hence you can load it from literally everywhere. Check out this example repo which uses systemjs to load the microfrontends, but module federation to share react, react-dom, and react-router. They can go with their very own architectural decisions, tech stacks, and build processes. for the end user it will be a single application on a single domain but from development perspective dedicated teams will work on each aspect.So we will have one team working on movie booking in separate repo and their application can run individually. To try this out, just start the two applications. Please note that the name of the dockerfile is "MfeDockerfile". So far, we used the high-level functions provided by the plugin. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the information about Angular. Credit: This post is based on this article written by Manfred Steyer. I'm going to note that my project is an NX Monorepo using Angular CLI. see I tried to run the custom builder but it is not install properly. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Bhuvan Sabarathnam. In the following example, the shell tries to access a library belonging to mfe1: To make these error messages appear in your IDE, you need eslint support. The property remoteName points to the key that was used in the manifest. These are: Project Setup Once suspended, manfredsteyer will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. What people was Jesus referring to when he used the word "generation" in Luke 11:50? Have a look at this article series about Module Federation. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. If you want to point the shell to different Micro Frontends, just adjust the manifest. Data Protectin. But the main part is providing a name, filename & exposing the module with a key. This also effects how entry points for Module Federation are generated. (c) Manfred Steyer, 6 Steps to your Angular-based Microfrontend Shell. Hence, adjust the section project/remote-project-name/architect/serve/options as follows: As remotes are now loaded as EcmaScript modules, the same origin policy is in place. How to design a schematic and PCB for an ADC using separated grounds, When to claim check dated in one year but received the next. loadRemoteEntry(): This function allows to directly load the remote entry point. Step 1: Create mfe1 application and home component, mfe1 project will get created under the main workspace, Step 2: Create a new feature module under mfe1, Create a new feature module mfefeature and a component under the feature module, Add the route to the mfefeature component in the mfefeature-routing.module.ts. We are an active and inclusive community of over one million registered creators, developers, and tech enthusiasts. This name will be used when we are lazy loading this module in host's app-routing.module.ts It contains an AuthService that logs-in the user and remembers them using the property _userName: Besides this service, there is also a AuthComponent with the UI for logging-in the user and a UserComponent displaying the current users name. You decided to contribute to this project? Make sure you have a fitting version if you try out the examples! I see "constructed SharedService" logged on app load, then again as soon as the remote module is loaded. For this, we need a placeholder marked with a template variable for the component in question: We get hold of this placeholders ViewContainer via the ViewChild decorator: This example shows a solution for Static Federation. Using the microFrontend builder to extend . There are lots of good articles available online in case you want to deep dive into the topic. Important: This article is written for Angular and Angular CLI 14 or higher. If you don't have the Angular CLI already on your machine, you can install it globally by running the following command using npm: npm install -g @angular/cli The Microfrontend Revolution: Module Federation with Angular; Dynamic Module Federation with Angular; Building A Plugin-based Workflow Designer With Angular and Module Federation; Getting Out of Version-Mismatch-Hell with Module Federation; Using Module Federation with (Nx) Monorepos and Angular; Pitfalls with Module Federation and Angular This is in addition to the angular configurations. webpack/lib/container/ModuleFederationPlugin, ./projects/mfe1/src/app/flights/flights.module.ts, mfe1@http://localhost:3000/remoteEntry.js. The two applications are named shell and mfe-basket, and the library is named shared.The shell application is the micro-frontend host, and the mfe-basket is a micro-frontend remote application. Informs itself about the Micro Frontends on top of Angular with its own support for Module Federation an! 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